Quick Details
Jockey Training/Fitness with or without our onsite coach. Learn to ride or Become a Better Rider with an experienced instructor!
- Therapy support for jockey rehabilitation or recovery exercises after a fall.
- The best start for beginners, to fast track your horse riding skills or getting back in the saddle after a break.
- You can focus on yourself without the reactive nature of the horse getting confused signals. Unlike a live horse, Equicizer does not tire, it does not become annoyed, and it does not memorise bad habits instilled by improper riding.
- Additionally, it can be used indoors, where the environment is safe and no longer does practice need to be a slave to the whims of the weather!
- It is kinder on the horse when you ride the real thing.
- A beautiful quiet location in the Hinterland personalised to your needs.
Single session
A$ 65
Ride Well – It’s Your Responsibility!
Improve your position and develop the muscles you need to create a happy harmonious ride with your horse.
Develop skills needed to learn walk, trot and canter, delivering fitness, weight loss and riding confidence! Discover how you can build a better foundation for your riding.
The Equicizer™ is a hand-crafted mechanical horse that simulates riding so you can improve overall fitness and practice skills.
It was developed in 1982 by Award winning Jockey/Inventor Frank Lovato – Wooden Horse Corporation.
The Equicizer™ allows riders to work and exercise specific areas of the body and muscles needed for riding horses.
Start building a better, healthier and fitter riding foundation for yourself.
Enjoy meeting the horses around the stables and having a session with our resident Equicizers – Belle and Cascade.
This activity is held at Bonogin Valley Horse Retreat